This article will help you prepare your domain name for an inbound transfer and manage it through the transfer process. The article contains the following sections:
- Prepare your domain name for a domain transfer
- Initiate the transfer process
- Important Changes to the Domain Name Registration Agreement
- Registrant Contact Information FAQ
I. Prepare your domain name for a transfer:
If you have already registered your domain name elsewhere and would like to transfer the registration to our registrar, then please make sure to:
- Check if the domain has not expired/it is not going to expire soon
- Obtain its authorization/EPP transfer code
- Make sure the domain is unlocked
- Confirm that you have access to the domain administrative contact email
- Temporary remove any active domain privacy features.
Note: Please note that a domain name registration must be at least 60 days old before you can switch to a different registrar.
All of the above has to be done from your current registrar’s end. If you do not know your registrar name, you can go to and do a Whois lookup for your Registrar.
To unlock and authorize:
1. Log in to the domain name's current registrar's control panel.
2. Once logged in, locate the Unlock function and unlock the domain name.
3. Find the authorization code, the unique code that identifies each domain name in order to prevent domain hijacking. (Note: The Authorization Code is also known as an "Auth Code," "Auth Info Code," or "EPP code")
4. Make sure that you have access to the domain administrative contact email. Two emails will be send once you initiate the transfer with us, one from the losing registrar and one from the gaining registrar (our domain registrar is called: DomainPeople). You have to confirm the transfer by opening the email from our registrar DomainPeople and clicking on the authorization link.
5. Once the transfer is authorized, it will take from 5 to 7 days to complete.
Keep in mind the following:
As per ICANN regulations, a domain name must wait 60 days after its initial registration or any previous transfers to initiate a transfer to another registrar.
- The domain transfer fee includes 1 year renewal
- The transfer process typically takes from 5 to 7 days.
- The domain name transfer won’t change your current Whois contact information and your name servers
- Whois and/or name server changes will not take effect during domain transfer. You have to perform them either before the transfer is initiated or after the transfer completes. In order to use our e-mail or hosting services, you have to make sure to either point your domain to our nameservers or point its DNS records to your hosting and email servers with us.
II. Initiate the transfer process:
When you initiate a transfer, you will be asked to supply a few sets of contact information: registrant, billing, admin and technical for the domain name.
1. Navigate to SiteControl (click here for instructions)
2. Click the Domain Name link under Manage Services.
3. Click Domain Transfers in the left-hand side vertical menu, and then Transfer Domains from the same menu.
4. Enter your domain name in the field under the Transfer Domain(s) section and click Transfer.
5. Enter your Authorization/EPP code (it is recommended to use the copy and paste method), click Transfer and proceed with the rest of the checkout process by listing the domain contact details.
Once you initiate the transfer, you will receive two e-mail messages both from your current registrar and your new one (our registrar called: DomainPeople). If you decide to cancel the transfer, you need to look at the e-mail from your current registrar.
Please note that some domain name extensions (TLDs) and primarily country-code top-level domain names (ccTLDs e.g.,, do not require the use of authorization codes
Note: If you do not see the domain management option displayed in your SiteControl, please contact our Support Team for further assistance at 855-381-4461 or via email at
III. Important Changes to the Domain Name Registration Agreement
On December 1st, 2016, a new Transfer Policy, mandated by ICANN, went into effect to all accredited Registrars.
This new policy briefly states that any change to a domain's Registrant Name, Organization, and/or Email Address will trigger a new Change of Registrant process, during which the domain name will be placed in a 60-day transfer lock.
Please note that ICANN allows current Registrants to opt-out of the transfer lock before the Change of Registrant is initiated. If you would like to opt-out or would like to receive more information on the matter, please contact Support.
IV. Registrant Contact Information Change FAQ
Q: What would trigger this Change of Registrant process?
A: Making any change to the first name, last name, organization field, or email within the Registrant contact object, will start the process. An approval email will go out to both the old and new Registrants.
Q: What happens if it’s not an actual transfer but minor updates to first name, last name, email or organization field?
A: At this time, any change to any of those fields will begin the Change of Registrant process.
Q: Who has to approve the Change of Registrant request?
A: Both the new and the prior Registrant need to approve the Change of Registrant request.
Q: What if I am both the old and the new Registrant?
A: You will be required to approve the Change of Registrant request twice.
Q: What happens if the new Registrant approves the request but the old Registrant denies the request?
A: This will cancel the whole request and the WHOIS will revert back to the previous Registrant’s info.
Q: What happens if the new Registrant denies the request?
A: Then the Change of Registrant request is cancelled and the previous WHOIS info remains the same.
Q: What happens if I am the new Registrant and I do not receive the email request to approve the Change of Registrant?
A: The process will timeout. You will need to start the process again using a different email address.
Q: How long does the new Registrant have to approve the request before it expires/times out?
A: 7 days from the change request.
Q: What happens if I submit another Change of Registrant request while one is currently pending?
A: The first request will be cancelled.
Q: After a Change of Registrant, are there any restrictions on transferring that name?
A: If you want to transfer and change the Registrant at the same time, you should transfer the domain first, and then the change the Registrant. Failure to do so will result in your domain being locked for 60 days.
Q: Is there any way to opt out of the 60 day lock after a change of Registrant is applied?
A: Yes, we will offer the prior Registrant a chance to opt out of the 60 days transfer lock at the time of the initial Change of Registrant request. In order to start the process, please contact our Support Team.